Our Family

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Catching Up

After we left Seattle we traveled down the Oregon Coast and then home through the Columbia River Gorge. It was a little bit wet on the way home but just as scenic.

I finally figured out the new settings on my iphoto!!! Here are some great shot of our exciting trip to the Northwest and our adventures with Aunt Cathy. We saw everything there was to see in Seattle. We went to the Boeing Air Museum, The Aquarium, Lake Washington, The Fish Market, A Harbor Cruise, The Pacific Science Center, and of course the Space Needle. We all bunked at Cathy's apartment. Cathy and her roommate Holli were wonderful to put up with us and show us all the sites. Holli treated us to her fabulous culinary skills. Brian is ready to adopt her!!! She made us a fabulous Easter dinner and we even dyed eggs with a few of their friends. We are already planning another trip to visit them this fall(maybe farther south!?!) Thanks gals it was a blast!!!